HOPE: Home Organization of Parent Educators (VA)

General Information

HOPE Policies and Contact Information

Statement of Purpose: HOPE is a Christ-centered, non-profit organization seeking to glorify God by providing fellowship, encouragement, and support to homeschooling parents to help them successfully teach and minister to their children. We offer educational, social, and family-oriented activities in an atmosphere that promotes biblical standards and values.

HOPE leaders and volunteers who will serve as a representative of HOPE, must sign a Statement of Faith before serving. Volunteers include, but are not limited to, the Board of Directors, volunteer coordinators, game night hosts, designated chaperones, and field trip planners.

Although there is no denominational requirement to join HOPE, many HOPE speakers, programs, and activities will reflect and encourage Christian-Worldview perspectives.

Members receive a $20 discount when they include the HOPE designated number (#291049) on the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) membership application.

The HOPE Board of Directors and Advisory Board meets three times per year. HOPE members may attend the meeting but may not vote. Contact a board member if you are interested in attending a meeting.

HOPE does not want membership dues to be a financial burden. If needed, please request a membership fee waiver by contacting HOPE's Registrar at [email protected].

HOPE events and activities are for HOPE member families ONLY, except for the following activities:

  • monthly support meeting
  • bookswap
  • science fair

Because HOPE members sign a "Membership Agreement" and pay yearly dues to help pay for activities, this restriction is to be respected. Members may invite an interested non-member to ONE activity with approval by the volunteer coordinator for a specific age group or the one-time event leader.  The HOPE coordinator may accept or deny the invitation.


HOPE is a 501.c.4 corporation; therefore, donations and gifts are NOT deductible

as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Website Administrator, [email protected]