HOPE: Home Organization of Parent Educators (VA)

Free Resources

Currently Free Resources! (last updated 8/13/24)

Home Educator's Association of Virginia, since 1983

Home School Legal Defense Association, since 1983

Sophia Homeschool homeschooling shouldn't be stressful

Sophia Learning Try any Sophia course for free (through the first challenge of a unit). These courses are designed to transfer to 60+ partner colleges and have been reviewed for credit at 1,000+ other colleges and universities.

Lunch Doodles With Mo Willems  The Kennedy Center has a free live class Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems daily at 1pm

No Desk Required  has a lot of free resources that offer free and fun lessons all listed in one place

Adventures in Odyssey Club  provides unique audio stories with 4 week free trial 

Abcmouse.com  [no longer free but still a great rate for up to 3 kids]

Spanish Educational Solutions  is offering free Spanish lessons and resources for the entire family 

KidsActivitiesBlog.com  has a list of education companies offering free subscriptions.

Typetastic.com  has free typing lessons for kids